COTW - Round the World in SFCRs: Greece, Malta, Cyprus and Slovenia
28 June 2024SFCRs from southern Europe's insurers contained a mix of epic investment performance, and conservative approaches in 2023
Japanese insurer's European merger could benefit sextet of external outsourcing partners
27 June 2024Carne, BlueBay AM, Veritas AM; CBRE, Aegon AM and LGT Capital Partners set to benefit
BMA said to tighten screws over re/insurers' related-party investments
25 June 2024Pre-approval now needed, as PE ownership structure under microscope again
COTW - Round the World with SFCRs - Iberian peninsula where core fixed income is king
21 June 2024High-grade corporates and debt, mainly local, were dislodged rarely by other investments in Spain's and Portugal's GAs last year
Chart of the Week: Round the World - with Scandinavian/Nordic SFCRs
14 June 2024Equities stormed on, but in other ways insurers' solvency filings revealed last year was "a mirror image of 2022"
German insurers had about two-thirds of basic capital requirement in market risk in 2023
13 June 2024New analysis examined solvency data of 178 German firms on standard formula
Frankfurter Leben reveals further dive into private markets in 2023
13 June 2024Private and real estate debt, as well as infrastructure equity, got additional injections from consolidator last year
Insurer of Danish academics could suffer complete collapse of shareholdings and remain solvent
13 June 2024Akademikernes Pensionskassen SFCR reveals fate of solvency ratio after stress-tests
Alternatives prove their worth, again, for Germany's DEVK group
13 June 2024Non-mainstream assets did better than fixed income and were steadier than shares since 2022
Alternative asset expansion in Europe's GAs topped core fixed income growth in 2023
07 June 2024Infrastructure funds' 10.3% increase more than tripled core fixed income build-up