Chart of the Week - Round the World with SFCRs, how Groupe MAF's expects market SCR sub-modules to develop
24 May 2024Transparency in the SFCR affords insight into risk planning and budgeting, and accuracy of SCR forecasting, out to 2027
Comment: Back, by popular demand! SFCR analysis season returns on IAR
20 May 2024Solvency II for reports for solos and groups for 2023 are now under IAR's microscope
Round the World with SFCRs - Lapse risk endures in France as life clients spy 'greener grass'
20 May 2024The risk of customers leaving early remains at French lifers, despite rates softening in 2023, keeping CIOs on alert
Time for duration?
14 May 2024With money market funds peaking, what are the allocation implications for insurers?
Chart of the Week - A Eurovision of how insurers' general accounts are composed, by EEA country
10 May 2024Significant diversity in allocations appears, across EIOPA's 30 national industries
German life consolidators reveal lapse and liquidity risk details in latest SFCRs
08 May 2024All life undertakings discussed experiences, mitigations and examinations of surrenders, in 2023
French insurers emphasise liquid investing, as lapse risk keeps biting
01 May 2024French insurers emphasise liquid investing, as lapse risk keeps biting
The other 'hiking' - Lloyd's syndicate CIOs trek further 'off the beaten path' for alternatives
25 April 2024Yields on core fixed income may have improved with rate hikes of recent years, but some Lloyd's syndicate CIOs have ventured further from the well-trod path, searching for alternatives, as David Walker discovers
Rescuers of Eurovita divulge details of IVASS' bail-out plan in SFCRs
22 April 2024Lifer faced redemption and solvency pressure before rivals took on assets, and policies
Chart of the Week - Uniform SCR-breakdown for IM users becomes possible, for non-UK Insurers, at least...
19 April 2024A new EIOPA reporting template has made it possible to see uniform breakdown of IM and PIM users' Solvency II risk modules