
  • Don't be blinded by data scarcity on biodiversity, insurers say

    10 July 2024

    Panellists at Insurance Asset Risk's EMEA 2024 conference in June broke down the challenges involved in measuring biodiversity risk, sounded notes of optimism for the future, and urged for a new valuation for nature

  • IAR EMEA 2024: Insurers getting to grips with biodiversity risk

    10 June 2024

    But they can go down the well travelled path of understanding climate risk

  • Green shoots appear for biodiversity investing - but is it the natural habitat for insurers?

    26 June 2023

    It seems like it's on everyone's lips, but where should investors start to think about biodiversity, when it comes to investing in positive-impact assets? Josh Adcock asks asset owners and managers where they see opportunities flourishing, and how to weed out the wrong strategies

  • Why ESG has insurers running in circles

    19 June 2023

    Insurers at Insurance Asset Risk's EMEA 2023 conference took issue with the real impact - or lack thereof - that currently sustainability regulation and ESG reporting standards can actually have, finding that trying to compare their own progress or that of their investee companies can have them feeling trapped in a nightmare. Josh Adcock reports

  • IAR EMEA: Investors need to rethink ESG metrics

    13 June 2023

    According to CIOs and sustainability officers on climate-related reporting

  • Insurance Asset Risk EMEA 2023 conference round up

    12 June 2023

    The conference was held in London on 12 June and highlighted the investment risks and opportunities facing insurers. Vincent Huck reports

  • IAR EMEA: Under the hood of ESG data

    06 July 2022

    ESG data has become known as 'sustainable investing's main challenge', yet, while some insurance investors bemoan the lack of data, lack of quality of the available data, others say 'lets get on with it'. Abbie Wood reports

  • Insurance Asset Risk EMEA 2022 Conference round up

    13 June 2022

    The conference was held in London on 13 June and highlighted how investment opportunities still abound for insurers in an environment of heightened volatility and a bleak macro outlook for the coming months. Vincent Huck reports

  • Sustainability is not down to metrics

    13 June 2022

    Audience at Insurance Asset Risk EMEA 2022 conference hear

  • Scor appoints Lacroix group head of sustainability

    10 January 2022

    And sets up chief sustainability officer's team