AEW acquires logistics asset near Dusseldorf
14 February 2025Which is fully let to a logistics service provider specialising in e-commerce fulfilment solutions
L&G NTR clean power fund acquires Irish solar and battery project
12 February 2025In vehicle's second Irish deal of the year
Daido Life Insurance makes investment in getting Japan's SMEs to net zero
12 February 2025Investment will dovetail with SME sustainability venture lifer runs in-house
Meiji Yasuda Life joins list of insurers backing early-stage AI developer Sakana
12 February 2025Nippon Life and Dai-ichi Life also investing in Tokyo-based firm
BlueOrchard fund reaches $100m target
10 February 2025InsuResilience Investment Fund II has so far deployed 60% of its committed capital
Nippon Life joins TISFD
10 February 2025Board special advisor Takeshi Kimura appointed to steering committee
SLAM France acquires office project in Lille
07 February 2025Under a VEFA agreement
Abeille Assurances and Allianz France invest in Mirova sustainable land fund
07 February 2025MSLF2following blended finance approach
M&G acquires majority stake in European private credit business
06 February 2025Invests in Swedish P Capital Partners
Schroders Greencoat launches new €220m green investment fund
06 February 2025Alongside European insurer and ISIF
Dai-ichi Life backs Tokyo with purchase of transition government bonds
06 February 2025Lifer advocates more work on quantifying nation's near-term emissions-reduction targets
CDPQ invests in green energy alongside indigenous communities of Quebec
05 February 2025Forms partnership with Mohawk Council of Kahnawàke
AEW buys last-mile logistics asset in France
04 February 2025For urban light industrial platform
Investec's equity platform acquires Manchester office building
03 February 2025With plans to modernise interior
SLAM acquires German brownfield site for logistics project
03 February 2025In North Rhine-Westphalia
- Insurers now taking a more blended approach to public and private investing, Barings says
- Private credit not systemic risk, Fitch says, but needs close monitoring
- PGIM Real Estate bolsters UK housing portfolio
- Suncorp's 'manager alpha' declined again, modestly, by December
- PIC's CEO, Tracy Blackwell, to step down
- Standard Life completes £250m BPA deal with Finning Pension Scheme
- RLAM signs deal with workspace operator on flagship Birmingham asset
- Schroders Capital buys Milan hotel from Invesco
- Chart of the Week - Why the news is not all bad for Californian insurer State Farm GI
- Tariff turmoil challenges insurers and managers