
  • Conning's scrabble bingo: AI, ESG, EMD, α

    09 February 2022

    Bringing AI to ESG in EMD may look like a hand in Scrabble, but as David Walker found out from Conning-owned asset manager Global Evolution, it's all about generating another letter: alpha

  • Vaccine equity: a case study in investor engagement

    07 February 2022

    Investors have asked pharma companies in a letter to address COVID vaccine equity. Two signatories, Achmea and Storebrand, reveal the content of their engagement toolbox to hold investee companies to account.

  • Navigating the ups and downs of alternative investments

    02 February 2022

    Panellists at Insurance Asset Risk Asia 2022 conference discuss the key to allocating successfully to alternatives. Vincent Huck reports

  • IFRS 17 and 9 - The tricky balance between local and group reporting

    31 January 2022

    Blake Sowerby, IFRS 17/9 programme manager, Asia region, at Generali, discusses with Vincent Huck the accounting standards' implementation and expected changes in insurers' investment behaviour

  • "You can't have everything": can CIOs strike a balance between ESG and returns?

    26 January 2022

    Panellists at IAR's Asia conference discuss sacrificing balance sheets, for better ESG credentials, as Abbie Wood reports

  • Be-rating the agencies

    24 January 2022

    US insurance regulators are assessing the use of rating agencies in their risk capital adjudications—it could have significant implications for insurer assets. Sarfraz Thind reports

  • Hong Kong regulation's benefits more than numerical, insurers say

    19 January 2022

    Capital charge numbers are an important part of Hong Kong's RBC, but insurers tell David Walker that the qualitative improvements they expect in how underwriters manage their risk will be as important

  • 'The transition will not be smooth, or socially just'

    17 January 2022

    The shift to a net-zero economy will bring upheaval and job losses, warns Zurich's Peter Giger. Madeleine Jenkins reports

  • IAR Asia: The economic head- and tailwinds of 2022

    13 January 2022

    Speaking at IAR's Asia conference, Peak Re chief economist Clarence Wong highlights the key considerations for insurers' investments in the coming months as well as the main trends affecting the global economy post-COVID-19.

  • Investors to benefit as Asia ILS market comes to life

    10 January 2022

    Investing in insurance-linked securities (ILS) was once about natural catastrophe risk, but in Asia, practitioners expect far greater diversity in life/non-life risks being packaged, with help from insurers and regulators alike, they tell David Walker