
  • Insurers plan bigger allocations to real estate and infrastructure

    06 October 2014

    These are the two leading asset classes favoured by insurers as a BlackRock survey shows one in three firms plans to increase their risk appetite over the next three years

  • Asset data reporting deadlines for Solvency II need addressing now

    02 October 2014

    Even though full implementation of Solvency II on 1 January 2016 may seem distant, insurers need to confront the challenges of regulatory reporting of asset data now and formalise procedures, as there is no time to be wasted. Chris Johnson, senior product manager, market data services, HSBC Securities Services explains

  • Insurers model default risk to maximise MA benefit

    30 September 2014

    Towers Watson survey shows industry split over asset eligibility

  • Completion mandates are AllianceBernstein's forte

    26 September 2014

    The approach enables insurers to access asset classes where they don't have the resources to research and manage them in-house, the firm's insurance CIO Erik Vynckier explains to Hardeep Dhillon

  • The dangers of overlooking inflation risk

    24 September 2014

    Pimco's Eugene Dimitriou and Berdibek Ahmedov outline the difficulties in quantifying inflation risk

  • BlackRock and DeAWM continue to dominate insurance outsourcing

    18 September 2014

    Goldman, JPMorgan also notched up big gains in the new Insurance Investment Outsourcing Report rankings

  • Latest ABS capital charge reduction still not enough to encourage insurer investment

    17 September 2014

    Market participants say the EC's new Solvency II proposals do not address the key issues

  • Optimising Solvency II capital through investment strategy

    12 September 2014

    Insurers should consider their overall investment strategy holistically to minimise SCR capital charges

  • Mounting data concerns

    09 September 2014

    Solution providers highlight classification codes and look-through as problem areas in Solvency II reporting.

  • Credit the improvement in Aegon UK's investments

    03 September 2014

    Aegon UK looks to improve the credit strength of its assets.