Market insight

  • What Insurers Need to Know About the NAIC Proposal on Securitized Assets

    Recent proposed rule changes from the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) could alter the regulatory treatment of securitized assets—long a staple of US insurance companies' core portfolios.

  • How Life Insurers Account for Realized Losses May Cause Unnecessary Pain

    An accounting method long used by life insurers has come under pressure amid rising rates and wider credit spreads, potentially setting the life insurance industry up for large unrealized losses.

  • How can insurers protect against the havoc of inflation?

    To mitigate the effects of inflation, insurers are looking beyond conventional asset classes and considering alternative forms of managing risk.

  • Optimising the core

    How insurers can enhance fixed income portfolios

  • BlackRock- Adapt and thrive

    Download BlackRock's Global Insurance Report 2022. Adapt and thrive: Insurers seek opportunity in the changing world

  • Alternatives for cash management in volatile times

    Market volatility and uncertainty has put pressure on insurers' cash positions - alternative asset classes can offer a more attractive risk-return profile.

  • CLOs: Well-Suited for Difficult Economic Times

    CLOs are a trillion-dollar market that attracts a wide range of investors seeking attractive yields and diversification. In this Q&A, Barings' Melissa Ricco, Co-Head of Structured Credit, shares her latest views.

  • Cash dethroned

    Reallocation opportunities for insurers under Solvency II

  • Alternative thinking to meet today's objectives

    Low yields, stretched valuations and rising inflation call for creativity.

  • Unprecedented times call for (un)fixed income

    As we face a period of unparalleled disruption, we think taking an unfixed approach to fixed income is an advantage.