
  • CIOs to fasten seatbelts for bumpy landing as Fed spots runway

    13 September 2023

    "The Fed won't hike rates next week," former president of Kansas City Fed predicts. While asset owners are at odds on the likelihood of a recession and asset managers brace themselves for what will not be a "piece of (cheese)cake"

  • Smoke and mirrors exercise in assessing climate risk in sovereigns

    04 September 2023

    NZAOA puts draft fourth edition of target-setting protocol up for public consultation

  • Insurance asset managers keep out of blue bonds' murky waters... for now

    28 August 2023

    Despite widespread praise of the recent Gabon blue bond transaction, AllianzGI and Axa IM reveal to Insurance Asset Risk why they ultimately didn't invest in it

  • Smooth sailing for AllianzGI trade finance funds

    23 August 2023

    David Newman, CIO for global high yield at AllianzGI, discusses how recent storms haven't rocked the boat of trade finance as an asset class.

  • Are we there yet?

    21 August 2023

    Central bank base rates continue to climb to decades-long highs over the summer, leaving market participants in a blur as to how far away the peak is

  • Comment: Athora deputy CEO on weathering the storm

    16 August 2023

    Michele Bareggi, president & deputy CEO at Athora Group, explains why investing in private markets combined with a robust investment risk framework is the key to weather the volatility storm

  • How to showcase the social value of buildings?

    14 August 2023

    PIC's Cléo Fitzsimons and Charles Beard discusses the UK insurer's proprietary ESG scorecard for real estate investments across 65 KPIs.

  • 'Discretion is the better part of valor,' at GIAM

    31 July 2023

    Generali Insurance Asset Management CEO Bruno Servant and members of his team discuss the current market environment, and why caution is in order. Interview by Vincent Huck

  • Better ALM helping APAC insurers navigate investment risk

    27 July 2023

    Frank Yuen, vice president for Asia financial institutions at Moody's, discusses the key risks faced by insurers in the APAC region. Interview by Vincent Huck

  • Practising good liquidity management - for the day liquidity turns bad

    24 July 2023

    Reflecting on the aftermath of the liquidity crisis after the UK's mini budget crisis last autumn, panellists discussed what makes for good liquidity management and where the next crisis will come from. Compiled by Vincent Huck