
  • Ivascyn replaces Gross as Pimco's group CIO

    29 September 2014

    No change in approach; Allianz "won't sell"; Balls now global CIO

  • Completion mandates are AllianceBernstein's forte

    26 September 2014

    The approach enables insurers to access asset classes where they don't have the resources to research and manage them in-house, the firm's insurance CIO Erik Vynckier explains to Hardeep Dhillon

  • The dangers of overlooking inflation risk

    24 September 2014

    Pimco's Eugene Dimitriou and Berdibek Ahmedov outline the difficulties in quantifying inflation risk

  • Voya IM hires head of insurance sales

    23 September 2014

    Simone joins from JPMorgan AM

  • Axa IM hires business development manager

    22 September 2014

    Powis joins from Ignis AM to build relationships with insurers

  • TIAA-CREF Asset Management opens London distribution office

    18 September 2014

    Seeks to expand relationships with insurance companies

  • BlackRock and DeAWM continue to dominate insurance outsourcing

    18 September 2014

    Goldman, JPMorgan also notched up big gains in the new Insurance Investment Outsourcing Report rankings

  • Advent hires European business development head

    16 September 2014

    Gourlay joins from RWC Partners

  • Goldman and JPMorgan shoot up insurance outsourcers ranking

    16 September 2014

    But BlackRock and DeAWM continue to lead

  • Amundi hires global head of multi-asset

    15 September 2014

    Recruits Sobotka, ex-CIO of HSBC multi-manager unit