
  • Axa gets regulator's nod for Japan mergers, and JPY 7.9trn combined asset pot

    19 March 2024

    Strengthening financial base is one rationale for local M&A

  • Runway in sight for a 'Goldilocks' soft landing for US economy, insurers believe

    13 March 2024

    US insurers and their asset managers are hopeful a recession has been avoided, and though "landmines" persist, even areas suffering negative headlines such as real estate should deliver opportunities

  • Lack of nature-related scenarios a challenge for target setting, insurers say

    12 March 2024

    Though tools exist, their limitations need to be understood, and information needs to become investment-useful, Fidelity, Phoenix and Abeille Assurance tell conference

  • Looking for a home for natural capital in insurers' investment portfolios

    12 March 2024

    Understanding new risks, a lack of asset managers able to service these types of investments at scale, and the question of where to include natural capital in the SAA are the hurdles insurers need to overcome, Danielle Brassel, director of responsible investment at Zurich Insurance Group, explains

  • St James's Place names 45 different managers on outsourcing roster

    11 March 2024

    Market risk SCR halved during 2023, group's SFCR shows

  • Mutual gain - how the worlds of 'alts' and insurers can benefit both parties

    11 March 2024

    CIOs have not relinquished alternative investments as interest rates rose, leading David Walker to sit down with Max Davies, director, APAC Insurance, at Man Group, to discuss how 'alts' can dovetail with an insurer's needs

  • Mirova launches European social impact private equity strategy

    08 March 2024

    MILE strategy aims to raise €200m from institutional and individual investors

  • Generali total return affiliate appoints head of business development

    08 March 2024

    Fabrizio Pasta joins Plenisfer to lead international expansion

  • AllianzGI toughens up pay, gender diversity and climate voting policies for 2024

    05 March 2024

    And releases 2023 voting results, having voted on 95,512 shareholder and management proposals

  • Alternative insights, for insurance CIOs

    01 March 2024

    In discussion with Tom Kehoe, the Alternative Investment Management Association's global head of research & communications