Hong Kong insurers embrace prudence as RBC set to kick in
11 June 2024And highlight areas of discussions with the regulator for future iteration of the regulation
Sustainability strategy should be asset holistic but circumstances call for pragmatism
11 June 2024Audience at Insurance Asset Risk Asia 2024 conference hears
Insurance Asset Risk EMEA 2024 conference round up
10 June 2024Geopolitics and its impact on markets running thread of conference's discussions
IAR EMEA 2024: Solvency UK consultation welcome, but reforms could go further
10 June 2024Reforms likely to foster an investment evolution rather than revolution
Most insurers in-line with SFDR, but some have work to do, EIOPA finds
07 June 2024Set to recommend further SFDR enhancements soon
China's economic growth focused on quality not speed, Ping An CIO says
07 June 2024Ben Deng highlights key investment opportunities including 'fly cars'
S&P welcomes increased scrutiny of funded reinsurance from PRA and BMA
06 June 2024Warning recapture of ceded exposures could push some BPA writers into negative solvency ratios
PRA releases final guidance for MA reform
06 June 2024Clarifying definitions of 'highly predictable cash flows' and 'fixed cash flows'
Insurance Asset Risk Asia audience upbeat about global growth prospects
05 June 2024Chinese economy casts shadow on future growth prospects while CIOs keep focused on good ALM in light of regulatory and accounting overhaul
Chart of the Week: Around the world with SFCRs - MA delivers capital benefits to UK lifers
31 May 2024As MA reform nears, the adjustment is delivering significant capital benefits to UK insurers