Comment - Why EIOPA's latest investment statistics have 'something for everyone'
07 June 2024From alts to the core of GAs, and local government debt exposure, everyone had something to cheer about
Round the World with SFCRs - German insurers welcome interest rates tailwinds, but explore alts 'just in case'
07 June 2024Fixed income and equities performance in 2023 wiped out write-downs many German insurers made in 2022
PRA releases final guidance for MA reform
06 June 2024Clarifying definitions of 'highly predictable cash flows' and 'fixed cash flows'
AXA Leben investment income slumps 43% after transfer to AGER Leben
03 June 2024AXA Leben pinpoints Deutsche Beamten Versicherung Leben as backbook spun off
Round the World with SFCRs - Italy's lapse risk shows no sign of surrendering
03 June 2024A lot of Italians holding life policies made for the exit, early, in 2022, and the pressure on lifers seemed not to ease much in 2023
Chart of the Week: Around the world with SFCRs - MA delivers capital benefits to UK lifers
31 May 2024As MA reform nears, the adjustment is delivering significant capital benefits to UK insurers
Interest reserve unwind continues at German life insurers as rates rose in 2023
31 May 2024Some life firms had to sell down assets in previous years to fund the ZZR
Aegon shed significant market risk capital in asr deal, but gets €1bn capital bill for stake in rival
30 May 2024The Dutch/Bermudian composite has published its inaugural Bermuda financial condition report
CCR uses cash from reinsurer sale to triple bond portfolio's yield to maturity
29 May 2024French property re/insurer's real estate withstands "exceptionally poor year" in sector, its SFCR says
Poste Vita's investment pot hit €155bn in 2023
28 May 2024SFCR reveals investment value of stake in defunct Eurovita