
  • Declining investment yields have become a consistent feature of USA insurer portfolios

    17 September 2020

    COVID-19 asset impairments will "bend but not break" insurer credit quality, S&P says

  • PGIM poaches AllianzGI's head of global ESG research

    10 September 2020

    Unanyants-Jackson had been with the German asset manager since 2016

  • US insurers' alternative assets escape COVID-19 downturn

    08 September 2020

    Hedge funds, private equity and real estate assets present liquidity challenges, says NAIC

  • COVID-19 first sustainability crisis of 21st century, Pimco says

    07 September 2020

    Pandemic could act as springboard to more sustainable investing

  • Apollo-led consortium closes $5.5bn Abu Dhabi real estate deal

    07 September 2020

    Transaction placed entirely with insurers and pension funds including Athene

  • USA insurers search for the golden age of credit

    07 September 2020

    For the harried insurer, dealing with a projected lifetime of low interest rates, is there any value left in the corporate bond market? Some believe there is, and particularly so in that much-derided BBB segment. Sarfraz Thind reports

  • Prudential Private Capital invests $140m in utility financing

    04 September 2020

    Mortgage bond financing for DP&L electricity company

  • IAR Americas: COVID-19 reaffirmed the benefits of illiquids

    03 September 2020

    Prudential Financial's Longino says insurers' appetite for the asset class only likely to grow

  • IAR Americas: US regulations on climate concerns not up to speed with risks

    31 August 2020

    Barney Schauble, chairman of Nephila Climate, to speak at IAR Americas event

  • "If you have to look for a reason to support ESG, then shame on you," Allianz Life CIO says

    28 August 2020

    Hedtke will speak on ESG investing at IAR Americas event in September