
  • US insurers remaining calm in face of bond market rout

    06 October 2023

    But the speed and magnitude of yields move has still been a surprise

  • MetLife foresees continuing high activity in PRT market

    04 October 2023

    Poll of companies finds 89% plan to divest of pension plan liabilities, due to inflation and market volatility

  • A US insurer's anxiety to be acquired by a PE firm

    03 October 2023

    Investment manager shares experience with Insurance Asset Risk

  • Insurance Asset Risk Americas 2023 conference round up

    26 September 2023

    The conference was held in New York on 26 September and highlighted key opportunities in private markets as well as challenges in the regulatory space

  • IAR Americas: Anti-ESG backlash is 'political risk'

    26 September 2023

    Speakers argue of a regional phenomenon rather than nation-wide

  • IAR Americas: Fitch downgrade has embedded some credit risk

    26 September 2023

    Private markets still of value

  • IAR Americas: Don't make regulatory reforms an unnecessary burden

    26 September 2023

    Better to take a nuanced approach then overuse C1 charges

  • IAR Americas: Public markets slightly more attractive to CIOs

    26 September 2023

    CLOs are also seen as a hot investment

  • IAR Americas: audience optimistic about macro-outlook

    26 September 2023

    Audience poll finds out

  • Voluntary carbon market craving for clarity, Manulife IM says

    25 September 2023

    Investors increasingly looking "under the hood" of opportunities in that space