
  • French regulator tightens screws on insurers and greenwashing risk

    24 June 2024

    Retail investment products form the focus on group organised by the ACPR and AMF

  • French insurers not shifting investments despite "significant" climate exposure in businesses

    24 May 2024

    ACPR has revealed results of second climate stress test

  • A 41% jump in unit-linked lapses drives net outflows from French lifers

    16 May 2024

    Surrender payments were double the claims payments made by French life firms last year

  • French regulator highlights lack of consistency and granularity in insurers' climate disclosures

    22 January 2024

    The majority of insurers limit their Paris Agreement alignment strategy to a policy of exclusion, ACPR adds

  • Chart of the Week - Breakdown of market risk SCR of AEMA group subsidiaries, 2022 (%)

    28 July 2023

    A 'group market risk SCR' can mask very divergent risk-taking at subsidiaries

  • Traditional risk management fails for timing transition investments, ACPR says

    22 February 2023

    Regulator's research examines when best to buy/sell biomass and coal assets

  • French regulator appoints new secretary general

    20 December 2022

    Nathalie Aufauvre takes the position after nearly four decades at the Banque de France

  • French regulator engages with insurers on their climate strategy

    17 February 2022

    Publishing its first report on the governance of climate change risks in the insurance sector

  • CNP Assurances ends direct investment in oil & gas

    17 February 2022

    But will continue to invest when it serves the transition to renewables

  • Brace! Brace! Tailspin in US variable annuity insurer shares revealed

    28 January 2022

    Airline stocks landed hard as the pandemic unfolded - but VA insurers plunged close behind