
  • AllianceBernstein launches two SDG funds

    20 May 2019

    Insurance clients particularly interested in Sustainable Global Thematic Credit Portfolio fund

  • Asset risk: biggest risk for Asian insurers

    02 May 2019

    With a lack of domestic long dated assets to match their long-term liabilities and some restrictions on overseas investments, Asian insurers’ biggest risk exposure comes from their investments. In Hong Kong, Vincent Huck meets with regional and local stakeholders to understand how they are coping and their expectations for the upcoming changes in regulations.

  • Investors’ engagement results in Equinor’s climate change commitments

    25 April 2019

    Storebrand’s asset management unit part of investor group leading engagement process

  • Is it really a small world after all? Protectionism strikes back

    21 March 2019

    Most insurers’ chief investment officers and asset managers have grown up investing during the long trend of beneficial globalisation. The trend was their friend. But as evidence of its unravelling builds, they are asking if the elastic is just stretching or about to snap back. Vincent Huck went in search of answers

  • AllianceBernstein to buy Autonomous Research

    20 November 2018

    Axa-owned asset manager moves to improve research offering with fintech acquisition

  • AllianceBernstein AuM falls by $20bn in October

    13 November 2018

    The 3.6% decline was attributed to market depreciation

  • AllianceBernstein closes third US commercial real estate fund

    21 August 2018

    With $3.1bn capital committed, including from global insurers

  • Tips for insurers and asset managers in 2018

    29 December 2017

    In the second part of this 2018 investment outlook, stakeholders share their views on the negotiating rising rates, inflation and what asset managers should be doing to help insurers. Sarfraz Thind reports

  • A look back and forward

    27 December 2017

    The current year was relatively benign for the insurance investment industry. But 2018 holds new challenges. What risks and what opportunities should investors be looking at in the coming year? Sarfraz Thind reports

  • AllianceBernstein counsels insurers to be alternatives-ready

    07 December 2017

    Even when yields are unattractive, insurers can do important groundwork, says Axa affiliate