
  • German life firm sticks with 'qualifying' infrastructure in 2022

    02 May 2023

    Alte Leipziger Leben ran class through stress-tests, too

  • Alte Leipziger welcomes ZZR bill vanishing in 2022

    22 March 2023

    Life unit's investment result plunges 42% as sales pressure for interest reserve vanishes

  • Alte Leipziger Leben reveals investment fees in 2021

    30 March 2022

    Bought infrastructure funds while selling fixed income for ZZR, in 2021

  • EM infrastructure debt is good - but reg's nuts and bolts need more work

    19 May 2021

    Insurers can't get enough of infrastructure, for both duration and yield. But make it tradeable, standardise its terms and improve creditor rights, and the purse strings would really come loose, as David Walker finds out.

  • An alternative for the trials of life in Germany

    12 May 2021

    From infrastructure with low capital charges to multi-credit funds and private equity, German life firms' latest solvency reports reveal chief investment officers want to allocate more to alternatives. David Walker reports

  • Nuernberger's lower investment result a sign of the times for German life sector

    26 April 2017

    Finding yields above 1.2% for acceptable risk is a "considerable challenge", insurer says