
  • Sustainability: to regulate or not regulate?

    05 December 2019

    Financial regulation has a role to play in tackling climate change, but it cannot be a silver bullet. So the time has come for policymakers to step up their game, delegates at the Insurance and Climate Risk conference heard. Vincent Huck reports

  • ICR Conference: Allianz exec refutes suggestion exiting coal is a 'PR stunt'

    05 December 2019

    Allianz’s head of regulatory strategy argues divestment is good risk management

  • Spurring sustainable investments with capital charges

    19 September 2019

    The question of capital charges punishing ‘brown’ investments or incentivising ‘green’ investments has come to the fore. While regulators are asking for risk-based evidence, stakeholders are not all in agreement on how to proceed. Vincent Huck reports

  • ABI calls to keep matching adjustment post Brexit

    10 June 2019

    Risk margin and matching adjustment rules top trade body list of regulatory concerns

  • Regulation key to unlock greener investments, ABI says

    11 March 2019

    UK trade body responds to FCA’s discussion paper on climate change and green finance

  • Hard Brexit risks leaving UK insurers on a 'capital cliff edge'

    12 February 2019

    As a no-deal Brexit hovers over the financial industry like the sword of Damocles, sovereign holdings could be a bigger risk for the solvency positions of UK insurers' than for their European rivals. The Association of British Insurers wants the regulator to act, and fast

  • IFoA conference: Monte Carlo modelling favoured for ERMs

    23 November 2018

    91% of the conference attendees favoured this option

  • UK postpones equity release mortgages reforms

    25 October 2018

    Decision based on consultation feedback

  • Insurers call for taxonomy of 'greenness' in investments

    27 July 2018

    Underwriters also say they want more sustainable investments

  • UK's matching adjustment proposals fall short of expectations - ABI

    02 February 2018

    Progress in the right direction but criteria still too restrictive, argues association