
  • Zurich's German life backbook deal, with €21bn assets, with Virdium falls apart

    30 January 2024

    'Project Sander' was to involve investment assets linked to 724,000 policies, German unit's SFCR said

  • Fitch expects UK lifers will share more cash income with policyholders after FCA warning

    18 January 2024

    UK FCA has treating customers fairly in its sights

  • Baloise Germany appoints interim head of investments

    13 September 2023

    After Julia Wiens departure to BaFin where she'll replace Frank Grund

  • Chart of the week - Are insurers a worthwhile investment?

    04 August 2023

    Insurers themselves seem to think 'largely not', as relative stock performance proves variable

  • BaFin warns life firms about using reinsurance with financial components

    07 June 2023

    Regulator is watching insureds' profit-participation is not eroded, as valuation reserves diminish

  • German life insurers' returns fall sharply in 2022

    11 May 2023

    According to BaFin, who said most losses need not be realised

  • German lifers reveal liquid GAs as lapse risk rises

    10 May 2023

    BaFin last week warned insurers to be vigilant about tackling surrender rates as interest rates increase

  • BaFin warns insurers about use of Spezialfonds and private credit and PE

    09 May 2023

    Relying solely on asset managers' reports is not enough, regulator cautions

  • BaFin data shows €150bn investment shortfall for German lifers

    09 May 2023

    Liquidity management should help handle lapse risk

  • Attractive returns with policy guarantees "hardly possible" now in Germany, AXA Leben says

    04 May 2023

    Life unit continues tilt toward investment and part-guaranteed products