
  • German life CIOs breath out, as the 'great ZZR unwind' begins

    19 April 2023

    In past years, German lifers dispatched CIOs to raise cash to pay into their ZZRs - like it, or not. But that reversed, and sometimes heftily, as interest rates rose in 2022. David Walker reports

  • Comment - Russian CIOs confront their own 2032 'transitional measure'

    22 February 2023

    Bank of Russia's GA write-down warnings put Frank Grund's words in Germany in the pale

  • Comment - Did the Deutsche Reichsbürger have a functioning general account?

    16 December 2022

    The German extremists had been running insurance, so presumably a 'GA' existed, somewhere

  • Only one-quarter of German insurers use climate scenarios and stress-tests

    05 December 2022

    BaFin warns underwriters model/data hurdles should not hinder their engagement with the risk

  • Chart of the Week - Central bankers raise rates, hopes and ratios among Europe's insurers

    02 September 2022

    At last, an insurer's stress test for rising interest rates actually 'means something'

  • German insurers buying "less attractive, less profitable" infrastructure as demand beats supply

    21 June 2022

    BaFin says outsourcing important as insurers can "hardly provide necessary specialist knowledge" for some projects

  • German regulator "intensively supervising" 20 life firms

    06 May 2022

    Low yields and high promises the reason, BaFin chief says

  • Talanx reports 11% investment income increase

    14 March 2022

    Due to gains from alternative investments and inflation-linked bonds

  • BaFin warns insurers using derivatives more to boost returns

    21 February 2022

    Insurers hedging FX risk mainly for US dollars, sterling and Danish kronor

  • Investment management expenses of Europe's insurers revealed

    17 January 2022

    Data reveals which industries paid the most for GA investing annually since 2017