
  • BlackRock, Conning and NEAM most popular asset managers for US insurers

    26 April 2023

    Half of insurers outsourced assets to unaffiliated AMs last year

  • Old dog, new(ish) tricks? Lloyd's CIOs get all esoteric

    05 April 2023

    Lloyd's syndicates have held onto non-mainstream investments even as yields have risen - with some mixed results, David Walker finds

  • Probitas syndicate promotes Conning as syndicate's lead outsourcing partner

    04 April 2023

    Has three other managers in supporting roles

  • Most insurers will increase investment risk this year

    24 January 2023

    Biggest appetite for private assets, Conning survey finds

  • Balancing transition and physical risk

    26 October 2022

    They are two sides of the same coin and not approached in the same manner, but ultimately can be reconciled in an effective ESG investing framework, according to panellists at Insurance Asset Risk Americas 2022 conference. Vincent Huck reports

  • 826 - the 'magic number' for European insurance investment outsourcing

    24 October 2022

    Insurance Risk Data analysis unearths outsourcing details in annual research report

  • US will not suffer from the UK crisis

    03 October 2022

    US financial policymaking more robust than "out-of-sync" Treasury

  • Insurance Asset Risk Americas 2022 conference round up

    28 September 2022

    The conference was held in New York on 27 September and highlighted the pain ahead for insurance investors. Vincent Huck reports

  • Transition risk presents 'bigger risk' for insurers' portfolios than physical threat of climate change

    27 September 2022

    Audience at Insurance Asset Risk Americas 2022 conference hears

  • Conning calls for more forward-looking data on ESG

    27 September 2022

    At Insurance Asset Risk Americas 2022 conference