'Green' capital charges risk under-reserving for risk, actuaries told
30 May 2023Actuaries warn of "moving away from the strict actuarial approach" as climate change looms
Chart of the Week - Solvency II ratios and general account debt holdings
26 May 2023As debt holdings devalued in 2022, so did insurers' Solvency II funds, and ratios
Chart of the week - how Italian lifers use GAs for lapse risk
19 May 2023Italian SFCRs explain their liquidity planning, and its various methods, to meet a startling leap in lapse risk
European lapses hit five-year high - but insurers trim cash and liquid assets
16 May 2023Median insurer's bank investments rose to 13.5% of assets in Q4, EIOPA finds
Rates-induced corrosion hit govvies and credit in Europe's GA throughout 2022
15 May 2023Direct debt and credit holdings have contacted for eight quarters running
The sun shines again on Spanish general accounts
08 May 2023As fixed income yields rise, Spanish insurers' CIOs may reflect happily on their 76% weighting to fixed interest interests - and smile again, David Walker writes
Danish supervisor spells out national stress tests
27 April 2023Market scenarios more severe than those presented in some SFCRs
Comment: What's in a name? How investors are a 'proxy-SCR' for insurers' reputation risk
27 March 2023Reputations contain much value quickly lost, especially in the financial sector reliant on trust
Large UK local sovereign / premium mismatch unearthed by BIS
01 March 2023Across EEA 51% of sovereigns in GAs are local, EIOPA data shows
Chart of the Week - Russia's insurers, one year on...
24 February 2023Insurers in Russia face a regulatory and investment landscape that would be hardly recognisable from pre-war times