
  • Chart of the Week - Equities, a falling part of Germany's unit-linked industry?

    17 February 2023

    Germany's unit-linked equity funds suffer first consecutive falls in volume

  • Use of hedging derivatives in Europe hits multi-year high, EIOPA finds

    09 February 2023

    Authority ascribes peak figure since at least 2020 to interest rate hedging

  • Comment: Time to rethink Solvency II and capital charging 'liquidity risk'?

    07 February 2023

    Is a different capital charge justified if a fund's redemption terms prevent one insurer encashing its investments compared to a directly-invested rival?

  • Chart of the Week - Post-Brexit UK attracts under 3% of Europe's GA

    03 February 2023

    EIOPA reveals direct UK exposure of EEA insurers' GAs at second lowest point since Q4 2017

  • Chart of the Week - EIOPA puts unit-linked returns and costs under spotlight

    20 January 2023

    EIOPA reveals which countries' UL had the highest returns, volatility, and fees

  • CIOs prepare for 'symmetric warfare' over listed shareholdings

    18 January 2023

    Europe's regulators are discussing almost doubling how far they allow the equities 'symmetric adjustment' to fluctuate. David Walker examines the implications for CIOs' capital consumption

  • ESG unit-linked outperforms standard unit-linked products by 2%, and cost less

    18 January 2023

    EIOPA study examined unit-linked, with-profits and hybrid products' 2021 performance

  • LocalTapiola appoints director for development, regulation and ESG for the group's investments

    13 January 2023

    The group's director of ALM, Lauri Saraste, takes on the role, Insurance Asset Risk has learnt

  • Chart of the Week - Europe's general account since 2017

    23 December 2022

    A €6.8tn investment pot reveals its treasures...

  • How German CIOs are doing well, in 'doing good'

    21 December 2022

    Germany's CIOs are a fairly heterogeneous group, but one thing - or actually three - fairly unites them these days: E, and S, and G. And the theme stretches from Allianz, almost all the way 'down' to the smallest GA-minnow the country has to offer. David Walker reports