Insurance Europe publishes its views on the integration of sustainability risks in Solvency II
21 December 2022Supportive of more research on a differential prudential treatment for green/brown assets
Axa stresses interest rate risk for 90 years, maybe with a French nun or two in mind...
16 December 2022Want some excellent investment-risk transparency in an SFCR? Then best you speak with a French insurer...
Comment: - World Title fight announced - for 'EIOPA versus Climate Change'
06 December 2022Distilling a fight for the planet's future, into 119 pages, clearly took some doing
EIOPA open to the idea of a transition risk capital charge
05 December 2022Exposed in discussion paper open for consultation until March next year
Chart of the Week - French mutual charts property risk, and course of plane carrying Antoine Saint-Exupéry
02 December 2022Designers of SFCRs create some very colourful ways to show some very dry data
IRC EMEA 2022 ESG stream round up
01 December 2022Conference was held in London on 1 December
"Rising interests doesn't undermine rules designed in low-rate environment"
01 December 2022EIOPA's Wray tells Insurance Risk & Capital 2022 EMEA conference
Solvency II review and the sustainability debate: old habits & new ideas
26 September 2022Carlos Montalvo Rebuelta looks at how sustainability could add purpose to the Insurance industry and why it's the stumbling block of the current Solvency II review
Chart of the Week - EIOPA warns CIOs about the quality of their data
09 September 2022Investment data is the (comparatively) weaker link in insurers' Solvency II filings, Authority finds
Quality of insurers' investment data lagging other figures they submit, EIOPA warns
07 September 2022Authority has published report on standards of data reporting by groups and undertakings