
  • Ergo and Wüstenrot announce cooperation in real estate financing

    01 December 2020

    Ten-year partnership to be expanded from spring 2021

  • "We decided we were going to see equity positions through the crisis," Ergo's Fiedler says

    20 October 2020

    IAR 2020 EMEA: Ergo group head of SAA says credit was more worrying when virus broke out

  • Mortgages - safe as houses, or 'waiving' goodbye to repayment returns?

    27 July 2020

    Home loans have proved popular with Europe's insurers, to the tune of €237bn invested in 2019, but that was in the good times. As many underwriters holding them are forced to delay collecting repayments amid COVID-19, some are re-running stress tests on their portfolios, David Walker finds

  • Munich Re unit to buy into Chinese insurer

    09 June 2020

    Marks subsidiary's entry into Chinese non-life market

  • Fitch demotes outlook on units of R+V, Condor, Stuttgarter

    19 May 2020

    Further rates falls endanger ability to cover guarantees with investments, agency says

  • MEAG raises €660m for infrastructure fund

    31 July 2019

    Prolonged period of low interest rates has driven insurer and pension interest in the MEAG Infrastructure Debt Fund

  • Regulators' role in preventing greenwashing

    04 July 2019

    The French regulator's director for research and risk analysis Laurent Clerc explains the difficulty of acting on the climate change imperative and the challenges for the regulator to monitor 'greenwashing'. Interview by Vincent Huck

  • Investment challenges arising from shifting insurance business models, part II

    02 July 2019

    In the second part of a two-part article, European insurers discuss the growth of unit-link business, the impact of technology and the shift from defined benefits pensions to defined contributions. Compiled by David Walker

  • Video: ALM - are the assets matching the liabilities? Or is it the other way around?

    02 July 2019

    Thomas Fiedler of ERGO Group comments on the evolution of asset liability matching

  • Investment challenges arising from shifting insurance business models

    26 June 2019

    At Insurance Asset Risk EMEA 2019 conference European insurers discuss as part of a panel the shifts in insurance business models and the ramification for investments strategies. In this first part of a two-part series, they discuss the ongoing consolidation in the market. Compiled by David Walker