
  • Comment - Lapse risk, SFCRs and getting more transparency into Italian insurers

    22 April 2024

    Nine data cells reveal the stress that sent one prominent lifer to the wall

  • Rescuers of Eurovita divulge details of IVASS' bail-out plan in SFCRs

    22 April 2024

    Lifer faced redemption and solvency pressure before rivals took on assets, and policies

  • Chart of the Week - How IMAs could spell out the future of PE ownership of insurers

    23 February 2024

    Fee rates, and other T&Cs in the IMAs of PE houses and the consolidators they own, may attract (unwanted) regulatory attention

  • Chart of the Week - As a €21bn deal is scuppered by BaFin, have PE owners run out of road for life book sales?

    02 February 2024

    German regulator's refusal to Zurich and Viridium seems bad news for insurers owned by PE

  • Zurich's German life backbook deal, with €21bn assets, with Virdium falls apart

    30 January 2024

    'Project Sander' was to involve investment assets linked to 724,000 policies, German unit's SFCR said

  • Comment - How life insurers might respond to the IMF on private equity risks

    08 January 2024

    The IMF listed various risks of growing PE involvement in the re/insurance industry

  • Distilling complexity for CIOs' benefit

    06 November 2023

    Various pressures have come to bear on insurance CIOs in recent years - and not always because of mercurial investment markets. Schroders' Alberto Scarsini distils the challenges to find the basic elements

  • IVASS admits Eurovita rescue talks were "long, and not easy"

    25 July 2023

    Rescuers "acted in awareness of their own interest", IVASS president says

  • UnipolSai unit has one-third of investments in BTPs

    24 July 2023

    And making 2.1% more on investment than life policies promise

  • Chart of the Week - Eurovita's general account over time, % (2017-2021)

    07 July 2023

    SFCRs show the Italian lifer being rescued by five peers, and banks, shunned risk - including heavy BTP weightings - in its GA