
  • Fitch gives positive outlook for UK BPA players ahead of next year's stress-testing

    19 July 2024

    Ratings agency says lifers are "capitalised accordingly" for credit risk they face

  • Alt IM-backed insurers take more investment risk, Fitch says

    31 May 2024

    In analysis that also finds advantages for insurers partnered with an Alt IM

  • US lifers to withstand CML losses and downgrades, Fitch says

    20 May 2024

    Despite "immense pressure" on CMLs, particularly offices

  • Euro lifers' Solvency II ratios solid despite likely ECB rate cuts, Fitch says

    13 May 2024

    Agency forecasts cuts to 3.8% by end-2024 and 3.0% by end-2025

  • BMA regulatory reforms get thumbs up from Fitch

    01 May 2024

    Agency says changes support insurer credit profiles, while cautioning against regulatory arbitrage

  • Impairment issues in CRE not a rating worry for Korean insurers, Fitch says

    23 April 2024

    Revealing CRE overseas exposure of Korean insurers

  • Fitch Ratings predicts UK bulk annuity transaction volumes will pass £60bn in 2024

    18 April 2024

    After reaching highest ever levels of almost £50bn in 2023

  • US lifers' ratings likely safe from CRE losses, Fitch says

    29 March 2024

    Despite "material exposure" higher than European insurance sector's

  • Falling CRE valuations a minimal risk to European insurers, Fitch says

    04 March 2024

    Low average exposure of 4% and good liquidity makes realised CRE losses unlikely in the near term

  • Investment yields defend German non-life sector's neutral ratings outlook from underwriting nosedive

    06 February 2024

    Fitch Ratings says sector faces its "worst underwriting results in recent times"