
  • Two more insurers weigh in on the EU CMU Action Plan

    01 October 2020

    Allianz France focused on ESG while Generali hailed political endorsement of Solvency II improvement

  • Greek insurers reveal their dash from cash when cap controls were lifted

    22 September 2020

    Athens removed last residual curbs on overseas transfers a year ago

  • Stress-tested: How COVID-19 put insurers' investments under pressure

    14 September 2020

    The impact of the pandemic on insurers' claims remains unknown, and estimates vary widely. However, market turbulence in H1 has clearly impacted the asset side of insurers' balance sheets. Already, though, underwriters are looking ahead and rethinking investment decisions and ensuring resilience. Vincent Huck surveys the damage done and the plans afoot

  • Generali linked to New China Life investment portfolio

    28 August 2020

    Italian's Chinese asset manager named in relation to insurer's non-standard investment portfolio

  • Insurers advise against focusing on industry's low level of EU-taxonomy compliance

    05 August 2020

    Eiopa has found that only 5% of their assets are eligible

  • Cattolica board acts to calm staff after police raid

    05 August 2020

    Board expresses "closeness and solidarity" to staff, and gives go-ahead to Generali's injection

  • Cattolica affirms Generali deal as Guardia di Finanza enters offices

    04 August 2020

    M&A deal would bring at least €10bn of investments to Generali

  • Generali reveals asset management details of planned Cattolica M&A

    04 August 2020

    Italian also updates sensitivities to BTP spreads widening

  • EU recovery deal hailed by insurers, but concerns over its 'greeness' plagues some

    03 August 2020

    Investors breathed a sigh of relief when the €750bn EU recovery deal was reached after five days of tense negotiations. Although it will go a long way for the stability of Europe's economy, some lamented EU leaders had missed an opportunity to advance the issue of sustainability. Stephanie Harris takes the pulse of insurers and their asset managers

  • Investment impairments hit Generali's H1 profits

    30 July 2020

    Generali AM third-party assets decline by 3.5% this year