
  • Generali acquires Polish asset manager

    23 October 2018

    Union Investment TFI holds €3.3 bn of assets under management

  • European asset management mandates revealed by Insurance Risk Data

    18 October 2018

    Greater transparency among EEA underwriters offer a unique glimpse into what and to whom insurers outsource their asset portfolio to, the only missing piece is the how much. David Walker reports

  • Generali establishes specialist liability driven investment manager

    04 October 2018

    Reorganisation of investment operations sees insurance asset investment and third-party management split into separate entities.

  • Generali enters Nordic real estate market with Copenhagen purchase

    02 October 2018

    Italian insurer plans to build a property portfolio across the region

  • Generali and former AB CEO launch Aperture Investors

    21 September 2018

    New asset management company will use performance-linked fee model

  • Rendez-Vous de Septembre: Clouded optimism in uncertain times

    19 September 2018

    The annual reinsurance meeting in Monte Carlo is a good barometer to measure the sector's health. This year, amid successfully managing last year's losses from natural disasters, reinsurers' indicators seem to be flashing 'green'. But uncertainty still looms like black clouds in the distance. Vincent Huck reports

  • Generali to acquire French asset manager

    07 September 2018

    Proposal forms part of insurer's multi-boutique strategy and commitment to ESG

  • Volatilità spurs Italian insurers to review portfolios

    04 September 2018

    Italy's underwriters long understood their sovereign debt was not riskless. This year's jolts only intensified their search for other investments, as David Walker reports

  • PartnerRe appoints new CIO

    31 August 2018

    Former Generali CIO Nikhil Srinivasan takes over from Andrea Casarotti

  • Austria: Eastern Promise Beckons for Asset Managers

    23 August 2018

    Austrians' expanding businesses in eastern Europe, a commitment to ESG and their suffering at the hands of miserable debt yields, makes the country a market worth investigating in. David Walker reports.