
  • Chart of the Week - Eurovita's general account over time, % (2017-2021)

    07 July 2023

    SFCRs show the Italian lifer being rescued by five peers, and banks, shunned risk - including heavy BTP weightings - in its GA

  • Generali Investment to buy Conning

    06 July 2023

    Conning to continue under existing management

  • Comment - Italians' famed civility might be sorely tested, by Eurovita's gating

    06 July 2023

    IVASS has locked policyholders in until November

  • Moody's explains, and welcomes, Eurovita rescue plan

    06 July 2023

    The 'rescuing' insurers will share assets and liabilities, while banks cover liquidity from November

  • Comment - Eurovita has had a 'patient capital' shareholder. Shame about its policyholders

    03 July 2023

    Five insurers, and banks, are organising a rescue deal for their stricken Italian peer and the policyholders that remain

  • Eurovita to be rescued by five insurers and banks

    03 July 2023

    Generali Italia, Intesa Sanpaolo Vita, Poste Vita, Unipol and Allianz to run operation holding policies

  • Asset risk now as much a focus of CROs' work as liability risk

    16 June 2023

    Interest rates and liquidity issues top of mind at IAIS meeting

  • Allianz takes crown as Europe's most complex insurance group

    24 May 2023

    Aviva Investors funds contribute significantly to parent's 700 Solvency II entities

  • Chart of the week - how Italian lifers use GAs for lapse risk

    19 May 2023

    Italian SFCRs explain their liquidity planning, and its various methods, to meet a startling leap in lapse risk

  • Getting real about sustainable assets?

    09 May 2023

    Panellists at Insurance Asset Risk's real asset conference 2023 debunk the idea of a 'greenium' and praise a widening of the real asset sustainability investment universe. Josh Adcock reports.