
  • St James's Place names 45 different managers on outsourcing roster

    11 March 2024

    Market risk SCR halved during 2023, group's SFCR shows

  • A career like a ski line

    08 March 2023

    Insurance Asset Risk's young professional of the year 2023 recipient, Carly Segal, recounts what took her from the ski slopes of Vermont to the fixed income team at JPMAM in London. Interview by Vincent Huck

  • JP Morgan AM appoints insurance fixed income investment specialist

    19 November 2020

    Paolo Gazzola joins from BlackRock

  • Asia to be biggest growth market for private assets in next five years, Preqin says

    09 November 2020

    AuM in continent projected to grow 207%, compared with North America's 30%

  • Taiwan chooses this year's "nine deep-cultivation" plan winners

    05 October 2020

    Grants expedited fund privileges for one year

  • Lower-for-longer interest rates opens up EMD opportunities

    09 September 2020

    Emerging market sovereign debt is starting to find a place in insurers portfolios as they scratch around for return in the low rate environment. While still in its early days, insurance investors feel the asset class could become a shining light for insurance asset allocation. Stephanie Harris reports

  • Focusing on governance would drive greater sustainable outcomes and greater returns

    26 August 2020

    While ESG has become part of the investment lingo, its three pillars - E, S and G - do not carry the same weight depending on whether one speaks to the investment professional, the marketing people or the HR department. Vincent Huck reports

  • IFRS 9 implementation - the sooner one starts the better

    15 April 2020

    Based on their experience with a joint insurance clients, JP Morgan Asset Management and Clearwater Analytics discuss the ins and outs of implementing the accounting standard, and why insurers should start early. Interview by Vincent Huck

  • JPMAM says 15%-25% allocation to real assets is becoming more common

    06 April 2020

    But companies should hold onto more liquids in the short term

  • JP Morgan's insurance AuM surpasses $100bn

    26 February 2018

    JP Morgan Asset Management (JPMAM) has revealed its global insurance solutions business now manages more than $100bn in assets.