Private credit, insurance now make up over half Blackstone, Apollo, KKR and Carlyle portfolio, says Moody's
22 January 2025A decade ago, these classes were just one-third of those alternative managers' businesses
Apcia calls for cat bond issue, to "recapitalise and stabilise" FAIR Plan
22 January 2025California's lawmakers introduced legislation on 9 January to let FAIR Plan use bond issue proceeds
Insurers' private credit holdings set to grow, Moody's finds
08 January 2025Asset-based finance and private placements most attractive
Taiju Life backs IBRD sustainable development bond
02 January 2025Lifer has targeted 15 years' duration in three recent fixed income allocations
Moody's downgrade of France, the more things change the more they stay the same
18 December 2024Insurers and their asset managers react to the ramifications of the rating change going forward
Insurers to increase exposure to fund finance, Moody's says
22 October 2024Ratings agency sees sublines market supply-demand imbalance as an opening for nontraditional lenders
APAC insurers taking materially higher asset risk then US peers, Moody's Ratings finds
15 October 2024Ratings agency used its M'CT analytical tool to compare underwriters across regions
APAC weekly - The mixed prognosis for APAC insurers, private credit and outsourcing
09 July 2024It seems patience will be a virtue, for asset managers wanting private credit mandates from APAC insurers
Moody's upgrades Hanwha Life for tackling negative spread in legacy book
12 June 2024But agency warns about ongoing "elevated" asset risks with "sizeable exposure" to local project finance and foreign CRE
Insurers' private credit appetite grows, Moody's says
05 June 2024Strong asset-liability management "essential" due to asset class's illiquidity