
  • US yield curve inversion - run for the hills?

    10 June 2019

    Like a bad tarot card, an inverted US yield curve normally means economic doom. March’s inversion has now morphed into the most inverted yield curve since 2007. It is likely to have insurers gazing into their charts to see how to tackle their investments. Sarfraz Thind reports

  • US not changing on climate

    25 October 2018

    New York, US. The US insurance industry has been a laggard when it comes to embracing investments to mitigate climate change. Many insurers remain suspicious of the need for it unlike their European counterparts. It is a deeply divisive, political issue, according to professionals. Sarfraz Thind reports

  • Policy changes needed to stimulate infrastructure investments by US life insurers

    21 May 2018

    TIAA white paper suggests four policy solutions to make public-private partnerships more attractive to investors

  • Blackstone hires former FIO chief to insurance solutions business

    19 March 2018

    US investment management firm Blackstone has appointed Michael McRaith as managing director for its insurance solutions unit.

  • US accounting tweak could see insurers plough into bond ETFs

    07 June 2017

    BlackRock, State Street worked with NAIC to instigate new valuation treatment

  • US insurers increase bond exposure by 11% in four years

    07 June 2016

    With a slight decrease in stocks holdings in 2015, according to the NAIC

  • BlackRock given NAIC modelling role

    18 August 2015

    Contract covers CMBS and RMBS

  • Only 5% of US insurers use derivatives

    10 August 2015

    Largest firms dominate NAIC figures

  • NAIC claims modest oil shock for US insurers

    02 March 2015

    Drop in oil price will have little effect on investment portfolios

  • US insurers' $777m of Russian debt faces continued threat

    19 August 2014

    Political turmoil expected to worsen, according to NAIC