
  • Phoenix invests £47m in infrastructure company

    05 October 2018

    Deal originated and executed by Aberdeen Standard Investments

  • Water, water everywhere, Nor any drop to drink

    04 October 2018

    Will insurers find in depleting water resources, and the resulting investment needs, a fresh source of financially-viable investments? Vincent Huck reports

  • Phoenix provides £50m in debt financing for Anglian Water

    24 September 2018

    Utility will draw down the debt finance in 2020, with funds allocated to climate change mitigation

  • ASI appoints first head of global insurance asset management

    13 September 2018

    Richard Pereira to oversee £158bn of assets managed on behalf of Phoenix Group

  • Phoenix and Aberdeen launch fund financing strategy

    27 June 2018

    Aiming to capture private markets’ illiquidity premia

  • How regulatory data can unlock the door to competitive advantage

    26 June 2018

    The data in Solvency II quantitative reporting templates can be used to gain insight and edge, David Walker reports.

  • Phoenix Group appoints two senior SLA executives to its board

    25 June 2018

    While SLA continues to restructure board following Standard Life and Aberdeen merger

  • Scottish Widows likely to split SLA assets among several managers

    09 April 2018

    Scottish Widows is likely to allocate the £109bn ($153bn) it is pulling from Standard Life Aberdeen (SLA) among "several asset managers," according to Bloomberg.

  • Equity volatility: how safe is your portfolio?

    19 March 2018

    Equity volatility is back. After a muted 2017, things went a little haywire for equities in February. But are these tremors or the start of something bigger? And how should insurers react? By David Walker

  • Phoenix's Blamont on an illiquid strategy

    10 January 2018

    Daniel Blamont is leading the charge for Phoenix's move into illiquid assets. Having started from nothing three years ago, the insurer has already built up an impressive portfolio and looks set to expand this in the future. By Sarfraz Thind