
  • IAR EMEA 2024: Phoenix's Eakins warns of the risk of monetary policy divergence

    10 June 2024

    As "supercharged" US economy contrasts with the other side of the Atlantic

  • IAR EMEA 2024: Solvency UK consultation welcome, but reforms could go further

    10 June 2024

    Reforms likely to foster an investment evolution rather than revolution

  • Phoenix Group plans new benchmarks for portfolio decarbonisation

    05 June 2024

    Following launch of Phoenix's net-zero transition plan last year

  • Phoenix Group appoints Cecile Retaureau as head of private markets

    16 May 2024

    Joining from UBS

  • Phoenix Group searches for new CFO

    13 May 2024

    Stephanie Bruce appointed interim GCFO as Rakesh Thakrar to step down

  • Lack of local authority know-how could stymy green investment, Phoenix Group says

    09 May 2024

    Recommends government gets involved to offer guiding hand

  • Fitch Ratings predicts UK bulk annuity transaction volumes will pass £60bn in 2024

    18 April 2024

    After reaching highest ever levels of almost £50bn in 2023

  • Are infrastructure fund managers expecting more from Solvency UK reforms than insurers are willing to deliver?

    10 April 2024

    Octopus Renewables "cautiously optimistic", but PIC does not plan anything "radical"

  • The (commodity) office is dead; long live the office

    03 April 2024

    Panellists at Insurance Asset Risk's Investing in Real Assets conference 2024 find real estate alive and kicking, but occupier demands shifting

  • Infrastructure is still a good investment for insurers looking for stability, but beware of nuanced risks

    27 March 2024

    Three insurance investors discussed current investment trends in the infrastructure space at Insurance Asset Risk's 2024 investing in real assets conference