
  • M&G completes £309m buy-in transaction with NSK's UK pension scheme

    02 July 2024

    Deal protects benefits of 3,700 scheme members

  • UK ground-rent consultation hits M&G's Solvency II surplus and with-profits assets

    08 April 2024

    Whitehall is discussing capping ground rents, which M&G has loan-based investments in

  • M&G completes £900m of BPA business since entering market

    22 March 2024

    Company completed two BPA deals at the end of last year

  • German backbook deals and run-offs - a €150bn asset industry since 2014

    01 February 2024

    Moody's examined 14 deals, completed, pending and scuttled

  • Prudential Life Assurance completes £286m buy-in with Northern Bank pension scheme

    25 September 2023

    M&G subsidiary covers 1,917 members of scheme and includes transfer of an illiquid asset

  • Prudential completes pension buy-in with parent group M&G

    21 September 2023

    Buy-in transaction valued at £331m

  • Chart of the Week - The MA's £482bn 'capital gift' to UK lifers (and their CIOs)

    21 April 2023

    UK infrastructure, gilts and credit on the GA menu for most lifers' MA portfolios

  • Largest 50 EEA insurance investors in bonds held €2.2trn in 2018

    02 January 2020

    French insurers favour govvies while UK insurers focus on corporates

  • UK insurers: one big disappointment for private equity managers in 2018

    31 December 2019

    French insurers top rankings of equity investment volumes

  • Finding the holy grail

    21 November 2019

    With low interest rates impacting solvency ratios, insurers are looking for the holy grail of high yielding assets which do not require higher capital charges. Vincent Huck reports