Phoenix Group calls for even more risk-friendly MA sandbox
15 January 2025Comments in Parliamentary select committee hearing suggest regulatory culture shift needed to encouraging competitiveness and growth
PRA focused on rising volumes of BPA deals
30 September 2024Regulator is paying close attention to insurer capability and risk management, Standard Life's Kunal Sood told Insurance Asset Risk
PRA plans to publish final set of Solvency UK rules in November
24 September 2024Rules will come into force at the end of the year
Convex group's investment income soars as 93% fixed income focus pays off
26 July 2024Bermudian insurer made "modest" additions to credit and equity positions last year, its FCR said
PRA consulting with insurers on implementation of "sandbox" to test MA eligibility
25 April 2024No consensus yet on what sandbox would look like, BoE says
Bank of England opens consultation on MA reforms
28 September 2023PRA hopes to boost investments in the UK
Chart of the week - Are insurers a worthwhile investment?
04 August 2023Insurers themselves seem to think 'largely not', as relative stock performance proves variable
Falling investments sends Australian health firms' profits down 33%
01 March 2023Medibank singles out "manager underperformance" in property mandate
UK industry practitioners "quite worried" about PRA powers in reformed Solvency II
24 November 2022WTW spells out its wide-ranging thoughts on Solvency II in/for the UK
Moody's spells out illiquid investment exposure of UK insurers
24 June 2022Allocations will grow to underpin more bulk purchase annuity work, ratings agency predicts