
  • Comment - Is Australia on the verge of needing large ranks of CIOS?

    03 February 2023

    If hard-to-insure communities turn to mutuals as climate change intensifies losses, as private sector property insurers 'run from the hills', CIOs are going to be in demand

  • Global insurers sign up to PRI Advance initiative

    02 December 2022

    A collaborative stewardship initiative on social issues and human rights

  • How to bury a hatchet - Argo reveals its 'peace-plan' details struck with Voce Capital

    28 November 2022

    In its latest annual financial statement, Argo Group revealed its managers were 'exploring all options' for the re/insurer's future, including M&A/sale. David Walker examines the background

  • Chart of the Week - US liabilities 'WLTM' US assets

    11 November 2022

    Cross-border business in EEA has a clear bias...

  • Comment - yields are back, but every silver lining has its clouds

    10 August 2022

    Inflation, and threat of surrenders, could wipe smiles from lifers' faces yet

  • Shareholdings and Russian impairments halve Swiss Re's 1H investment returns

    29 July 2022

    But reinvestment yield more than triples

  • IFRS 9 lops 16% off 1H investment returns at Scor Investments

    28 July 2022

    Unit's 4.1% reinvestment yield almost doubled year on year

  • Us versus them: finding the balance between regulators and the industry's objectives

    19 July 2022

    Are regulators the heroes, guarantors of policyholder protection, while insurers are the villains in search of investment return? Not quite, Abbie Wood finds out.

  • IAR EMEA: Under the hood of ESG data

    06 July 2022

    ESG data has become known as 'sustainable investing's main challenge', yet, while some insurance investors bemoan the lack of data, lack of quality of the available data, others say 'lets get on with it'. Abbie Wood reports

  • Actuaries need to get better at modeling shocks, Scor Kessler says

    23 June 2022

    We are moving to a stochastic world of shocks, he tells French actuaries