
  • Christian Mumenthaler to step down as CEO of Swiss Re

    03 April 2024

    Spokesperson confirms his departure is not into retirement

  • Impact investing is the future of sustainability for insurers, Zurich says

    10 January 2024

    Head of sustainability risk highlights collaboration, engagement and intentionality at launch of WEF Global Risks Report 2024

  • Biodiversity: "A twin emergency next to climate change"

    28 July 2022

    As insurers broaden their ESG universe outside of climate, biodiversity is starting to gain momentum in the spotlight.... But why has it taken so long for it to be recognised as a crisis? Abbie Wood asks

  • Environmental risks dominate WEF's global risk ranking

    15 January 2020

    First time environmental risks take first five spots in World Economic Forum report

  • Is it really a small world after all? Protectionism strikes back

    21 March 2019

    Most insurers’ chief investment officers and asset managers have grown up investing during the long trend of beneficial globalisation. The trend was their friend. But as evidence of its unravelling builds, they are asking if the elastic is just stretching or about to snap back. Vincent Huck went in search of answers

  • World needs to plug $18trn gap in infrastructure investment

    16 January 2019

    World Economic Forum warns that ageing power plants and bridges will need replacement amid growing threat of climate change

  • Prince of Wales says insurers need to step up on sustainability

    11 July 2018

    Events organised by the Prince of Wales can't be publicised, so it was a running joke among the attendees of his finance leaders' summit at St James Palace to ask how one had heard about the event. Surrounded by tapestries, art works, swords and powder guns hanging from the walls, 70 finance leaders were asked to commit to concrete actions to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Agreement. Vincent Huck got a glimpse through the door.

  • Bitcoin speculation "emblematic of wider asset bubble"

    17 January 2018

    The soaring value of bitcoin illustrates a wider picture of asset bubbles that threaten global economic stability, according to Rick Samans, head of global agenda at the World Economic Forum.