German backbook deals and run-offs - a €150bn asset industry since 2014
01 February 2024Moody's examined 14 deals, completed, pending and scuttled
Comment - BaFin holds cards (close to its chest) in future of German life-book consolidation
01 February 2024PE part-ownership of Viridium seems to have informed regulator's rejection of Zurich deal
NZAOA elects five co-leads of five working tracks
01 February 2024Four of the newly-elected leaders come from insurers
Comment - Are PE owners facing the end of their life backbook consolidation journey?
31 January 2024After BaFin's move on Zurich and Viridium, the future seems uncertain if 'PE ownership' breaks deals
Nearly 2,000 European insurers have GAs smaller than in Zurich/Viridium's scuppered deal
31 January 2024BaFin has stopped life backbook deal involving €21bn of assets
Zurich's German life backbook deal, with €21bn assets, with Virdium falls apart
30 January 2024'Project Sander' was to involve investment assets linked to 724,000 policies, German unit's SFCR said
Impact investing is the future of sustainability for insurers, Zurich says
10 January 2024Head of sustainability risk highlights collaboration, engagement and intentionality at launch of WEF Global Risks Report 2024
Will China have a financial crisis?
27 December 2023Guy Miller, chief market strategist at Zurich, takes a view
40 countries going to the polls in 2024, but Biden vs Trump remains prime time match
26 December 2023Guy Miller, chief market strategist at Zurich, discusses the implication of the US election for economic outlook
CIOs put their skates on as the ice thins
21 December 2023Zurich highlights four characteristics that will define 2024 in economic outlook