
  • UK government launches National Wealth Fund with insurers on taskforce and ABI's blessing

    10 July 2024

    Aviva and L&G support fund that aims to catalyse private investment in infrastructure

  • Comment: EIOPA fires its own starting gun on actually implementing Solvency II reform

    18 April 2024

    Small yet pivotal parts of SFCRs for non-UK firms have been amended, with significantly better transparency one result

  • Aviva Investors insurer is one of just seven building solvency every year under Solvency II

    08 January 2024

    Insurance Risk Data analysed 974 undertakings' solvency data since 2016

  • UK government U-turns on climate commitments risks green investment, Aviva says

    02 November 2023

    Insurer's Climate-Ready Index finds UK businesses increasingly focused on climate-readiness

  • Aviva and London Stock Exchange take transition plan to the barricades

    09 October 2023

    As the time for target setting ends, so comes the time to deliver

  • Chart of the Week - SFCRs as EIOPA's answer to the 'Barbenheimer dilemma'

    21 July 2023

    SFCRs will tell you if market crashes hurt insurers' solvency more than pandemics - but not whether to watch Robert Oppenheimer or Margot Robbie...

  • Allianz takes crown as Europe's most complex insurance group

    24 May 2023

    Aviva Investors funds contribute significantly to parent's 700 Solvency II entities

  • Aviva Life & Pensions UK's MA-eligible assets fall in 2022

    05 May 2023

    MA asset portfolio dropped to £46.8bn, SFCR shows

  • Aviva CEO urges finance industry to adopt COP15 biodiversity principles

    13 December 2022

    Investors can play central role in preventing loss of natural habitat, says Blanc

  • Aviva admits facing "sizeable collateral flows" in Q3 turbulence

    09 November 2022

    But Solvency II ratio was "very strong" at 223%