
  • CNP Assurances partners with WWF France on biodiversity protection

    24 January 2024

    With a €200k commitment from CNP Assurances' Carbon and Biodiversity Fund

  • French insurers invest in SNCF's shared-coupon green bond

    07 July 2023

    Abeille Assurances and CNP Assurances amongst participants

  • CNP Assurances' philosophy of 'investing meaningfully'

    17 May 2023

    In the third and final part of this series, chief investment officer Olivier Guigné discusses the French insurer's approach to sustainability investing and why biodiversity needs to become an economic necessity. Interview by Vincent Huck

  • Investing made simpler, in a more complex world, at CNP Assurances

    10 May 2023

    In the second of this three-part interview, chief investment officer Olivier Guigné discusses the current investment landscape for insurers, and where CNP Assurances sees opportunities going froward. Interview by Vincent Huck

  • CNP Assurances in praise of an "all-terrain" investment strategy

    03 May 2023

    Chief investment officer Olivier Guigné, winner of this year's CIO of the year award from Insurance Asset Risk, talks macro economy, why no single scenario should now dominate a CIO's thinking, and why 2023 will be good for credit analysts - but bad for 'zombies'. Interview by Vincent Huck

  • CIOs are no longer the star of the show, according to CNP's Guigné

    02 May 2023

    Role has changed to "coach" who enables "a collective intelligence"

  • Chart of the Week: Solvency capital charges, and what a cactus and CIO (should) have in common

    10 March 2023

    Average Solvency II capital charges by insurers' GA sizes reveal some unexpected findings

  • CNP Assurances ends direct investment in oil & gas

    17 February 2022

    But will continue to invest when it serves the transition to renewables

  • "It's becoming more and more difficult to be buy-and-hold investors," CNP Assurances CIO says

    05 July 2021

    Accelerating technological and societal changes are causing structural changes to the way insurers invest, according to CNP Assurances CIO Olivier Guigné. This forces them to be more adventurous and explore new territories. Vincent Huck reports

  • Infrastructure equity more appealing than debt, CNP Assurances CIO says

    23 June 2021

    Looks at water, energy, social infrastructure and optic fibre as potential assets to hold