
  • Chinese insurer buys Waldorf Astoria New York

    07 October 2014

    And Manulife plans tower project in Montreal

  • European life insurers help push down US long-end yields

    06 October 2014

    J P Morgan Asset Management cites knock-on effect

  • Skimpy yields drive insurers up the risk spectrum

    29 September 2014

    BlackRock study confirms CIOs' appetite for real estate debt and infrastructure assets

  • Just Retirement increases investment income by £207.4m

    19 September 2014

    Boosts AuM by £1.5bn

  • QE helped move insurers from gilts to corporate bonds

    15 September 2014

    Switch similar across different types of insurer, notes BofE paper

  • Axa IM strengthens fixed-income team

    01 September 2014

    Hires Healey from JPMorgan and Roantree from Morningstar

  • Fixed-income investments dominate US insurer portfolios in 2013

    28 August 2014

    But small increase in alternatives exposure, as industry hunts for yield, says Fitch

  • No special ratings model needed for hedge fund reinsurers

    28 August 2014

    Traditional rating methodology is adequate, says AM Best

  • Cathay Life buys London office

    27 August 2014

    New rules make it easier for Taiwanese insurers to purchase foreign property

  • Clearer policy will boost infrastructure investment for German insurers

    26 August 2014

    GDV calls for dialogue on financing